Land Acknowledgement Honouring the land and landkeepers that host us.

As members of our CLK community come together for work and play, we wish to honour the history of the land that hosts us. Join us as we pay respect to the traditional landkeepers of the unceded territory we occupy.

When we gather in the city or at camp, we meet on the unceded traditional lands of the Omaamiiwinini (Algonquin) Anishinabe Nation.The Algonquin people preserve and share their oral history to promote the healing, learning, and teaching of others from all nations and we acknowledge our place in this history, as guests on this sacred land.

We cherish our relationship with members of the Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation, the traditional guardians of the land that hosts our camp events every year.Their teachings promote the importance of taking care of one another as we all take care of the earth, and that sharing the responsibility will ensure a future for all. We thank the Shabot Obaadjiwan community for their commitment to our learning and we will nurture this collaboration for years to come.

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